Tuesday, December 17, 2013


“I participated in a Blog Blast program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kidoodle.TV. I received a promotional item and a free trial as a thank you for participating.”

I am always excited to check out new platforms for my kids to enjoy some of their favorite TV shows, especially if it means they are safer than browsing through youtube. My kids have loved trying out Kidoodle.TV this week. My 6 year old son created his own profile, "yay-ing" and "nay-ing" the shows he likes and dislikes. That way he can personalize what shows he can watch. I went over it with him at first to approve his selections, but ever since he has been on his own. This will be great for these cold winter months when we are getting stir-crazy. Check out Kidoodle.TV for your own kiddos, I bet they'll love it too.


Try Kidoodle.TV for FREE and enter by December 31, 2013 to win 1 of 10 tablets or 1 of 10 Kidoodle.TV year-long subscriptions!

To enter the giveaway, go to Kidoodle.TV to sign up for a free trial. Follow the on-screen directions and submit!

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