Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dragging on.....

Last night, about 11:30pm I stumbled in the door after working yet another 13 hour shift. Believe me, it's not my favorite thing to do. Being away from the kiddos for such long work shifts takes a toll on us all. It forces Daddy to double up his parental roles, 2 evenings a week. It takes away from time I could be sleeping (okay, blogging/twittering/internet-ing). But most of all, it takes away from the time I get to spend quality time with these kiddos of mine.

Today, while Daddy works his 6th day of the week, working well over 50+ hours this week, I want to do something special with the kids. Have any ideas?

1 comment:

designHER Momma said...

your kids will totally thank you and appreciate all your hard work you do for them. and yes, i'm curious what you all were up to!