Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Land of Sleep....where are you and how do i get there?

I have become a sleep-walking, stumbling over my words, running into walls, dropping things, losing things, totally dirty house living in Mama. My sleep routine is completely non-existant and I am turning into a zombie. I feel my sanity slowly slipping further and further away from my grasp. I am in a trance 24 hours a day and feel as though I may pass out at a moments notice. And what's that smell? That's right, a mama too tired to even take a shower. I feel as though I am wearing foggy glasses, like I can't even see straight or clearly. I am completely unorganized and my bran feels like it is filled with cement. I used to get stressed about my house being dirty and cluttered. I just walk past the conters in the kitchen that haven't seen the light of day in who knows how long and the bed that doesn't know what it is like to be made. I have a pile that looks 10 feet high of clothes that need to be put away and a desk that I THINK is under this whole mess...i THINK. I sometimes forget to feed the cats and left Chester locked in a bedroom for 4 hours yesterday. Oops. Good thing he had a food and water in there. Yet, the 2 cats not locked in the bedroom could not get to their food. Double Oops.

I forgot what I was going to say.

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1 comment:

Carrington said...

Aw, poor thing. I bet SO many mommy bloggers out there can relate to this! Including me! I always find that the best way to get things cleaned up is invite people over, and then you have motivation to clean that goes beyond your tiredness! Maybe you can commit to posting pictures of your house online in a few days? That way... the house gets clean, and we get to see your place!